Guerrilla Marketing in the street of Bratislava during 2011 Ice Hockey World Championship....
As an example of current event I would like tso point out the situation in Slovak Republic. As we all know, Slovakia is a host country for the World Ice Hockey Championship. But unfortunately, the capital of Slovakia - Bratislava was not prepared for such an event very properly. The old buildings, dirty underpasses full of trashes, damaged walls of old buildings and overall poor impact was not really pleasant attraction for visitors from abroad.
But the experts decided to use the Guerrilla marketing and Bratislava became a town where building started to be covered with the national flags promoting the country, huge billboards presenting different products, the old walls became covered with the street art graffiti presenting different companies etc...
But Guerrilla Marketing strategy explains that this part of marketing means to reach a lot with little cost. And I really do not think that this actions cost a little.
But Guerrilla Marketing strategy explains that this part of marketing means to reach a lot with little cost. And I really do not think that this actions cost a little.
Slovak experts did not use Guerrilla Marketing in the very effective way. They spend enormous amounts of money and this "shock" is going to be used just until the end of World Championship. High expenses, no long term effects, not effective (Guerrilla marketing was used in just in those parts of town which connect the main station with the ice hockey stadium) and overall design shock for the town (various techniques used, traditional, hyper-modern, old, new...)
Next time I would rather prefer more beneficial solution for the city. If they thought or did some brainstorming before their acts, the city would have a completely different “face“. Slovakia would have enough time to be worthily prepared for World Championship and rather take actions which would bring a long term effects and costs nearly the same as high expenses for Guerrilla Marketing. Reconstructions of the part of the main station, old buildings, subways and other parts would be more beneficial and would bring effective long term goals.
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OdpovedaťOdstrániťNika, I have to agree with you that Bratislava as the capital city, and the hosting city of the World Championship was not prepared for such an event well. This kind of guerilla marketing is not solving the situation in the city in the long term effect, however considering the short period of time after the city started preparation, the final effect turned to be better than many Slovaks expected. It is true that all the mess and dirtiness of Bratislava was just covered and it did not disappear but would we be happier if our country seemed the way it is normally in front of the whole world? After the Championship we are at least able to say in general that no one has anything against the look of the city, even though it is not a permanent look. Of course organizations could do better in order to change the image of the capital not just for Championship.